To my daughter

 This is so me to my beautiful, quirky daughter

To my Daughter

There’s a time and a place to be brave, 

A moment when you have to fake a smile.

But don’t you worry my little daughter, 

With me is not that time. 

Hold my hand and let it stop, 

Let that laughter float away.

For you are inside this safe place,

You don’t have to pretend today. 

We can sit here together in quiet,

Or listen to the sound of your tears.

I’m here to gently remove your mask, 

To tell you I’ve done it for years.

I’ve felt the way you feel today, 

And I’ve cried the way your crying.

But inside here with just you and me, 

Its ok just to stop trying. 

Know that you don’t have to be strong, 

When we are side by side.

Be yourself my little daughter,

You and I can just go hide.

We can’t always be who they want us to be,

So let’s just be nothing at all.

Let’s just sit inside our own world, 

Without worrying we are going to fall. 

I want you to just be you, 

Without all those rules to follow. 

Just remember it’s ok to say no more,

We can deal with this tomorrow.

For now we can just sit together in peace, 

Knowing you find it hard out there,

Because I’ve been where you are little daughter, 

I’ll teach you not to care. 

I’ll teach you the world is very different,

It’ll try desperately to make you fit,

But don’t you ever bend or break yourself, 

Not even a little bit. 

To my little daughter, 

Let’s never fit in together. 

Let’s take this together hand in hand,

And just be perfectly weird together.