Where to Start! 22.2.21

 So where to begin, I ask myself! 

I have decided to start with the present day, so today is Monday 22nd February 2021, the Covid - 19 pandemic continues, it is the end of half term so the children are at home and are currently still in their PJ's and on their devices!  We are anticipating the Prime Ministers announcement today, as he is due to outline a road map out of the current lockdown BUT more importantly for us, the detailed plan for school's reopening hopefully on March 8th!

As I mentioned briefly in the 'about me' post, I have 2 children.  My Daughter, Chloe who is 9 years old currently in Year 5, she is a summer born baby so is one of the youngest in her year, and has a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  My Son, Charlie who is 7 years old, currently in Year 2, is a September baby so is one of the eldest in his year! and also has a diagnosis of ASD and highly suspected ADHD.  As with most children with ASD, both of mine present completely differently, in how their diagnosis affects them. 

My son was most recently diagnosed in December 2020, due to the long waiting times for a diagnosis on the  NHS (around 3 years!) we decided to have a private assessment at the start of 2020, but due to Covid-19 this was put on hold, hence not being able to complete the assessment until December 2020.